From sabrina ghayour's "Feast"


Set a large saucepan or casserole over medium heat and drizzle in a generous amount of vegetable oil. When oil is hot, add onion and fry for six to eight minutes, or until translucent and the edges start to brown. Add lamb chunks and cook, stirring frequently, for a few minutes to seal without browning. Season well with salt and pepper. Stir in dried fenugreek leaves, ensuring lamb is coated in them (add more oil if you need to), then add fresh herbs. Stir-fry for 12 to 15 minutes, or until herbs have wilted, reduced in volume and lost their bright-green colour.

Pour in enough boiling water to just cover the ingredients, then reduce heat to low. Cook for two hours, stirring occasionally. Add plums and cook for a further 45 minutes. Stir in preserved lemons and season to taste. Cook for a further five minutes to heat through.

If not serving straight away, leave stew to cool completely, then refrigerate – it really does get better this way. Gently reheat stew when ready to eat and serve alongside plain basmati rice.

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