Chicken, Pistachio & Black Pepper Curry

From Sabrina Ghayour's "Feasts"


Heat the oil in a large sauce pan over a medium-high heat. Add the onions and fry for 10 minutes until soft and the edges start to brown. Add the chicken and black pepper and cook for a couple of minutes until sealed on all sides and starting to colour.

Put the parsley, cardamom seeds, chillies, ginger, garlic and pistachios in a blender with enough water to cover them all. Blend until the mixture is evenly green and silky-smooth.

When the chicken is sealed, stir in the pistachio curry paste. Pour in just enough water to cover the chicken. Season generously with salt, and cook over a medium-low heat for an hour.

Check the season, and add more salt if needed, then stir in the squash and baby corn. Increase the heat to medium and cook for a further 45 minutes, or until the squash and baby corn are cooked and soft. Serve with rice or naan breads, or both!

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